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What is a donation to The Tyler Loop giving you? In-depth stories. Inclusive perspectives. Data-based sources. New voices. Knowing where Tyler’s opportunities are flourishing and its challenges are being met. Your support runs our work — thank you!
The Tyler Loop 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and as such, donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law in your personal circumstances. If you plan to claim this donation on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. The Tyler Loop’s EIN is 83-0552182.
Individuals or groups interested in making a donation in excess of $1,000 should contact Loop board president Neal Katz.
More about donating to The Tyler Loop
The Tyler Loop is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that’s largely powered by Tylerites and East Texans who support us by sharing $15 a month. By turning to our own readers for support, instead of advertisers, we can take on investigative reporting and challenging topics that our readers tell us they’d like to see more of in Tyler. For the cost of one nice lunch a month, you can keep us beholden to no one but our own readers and our own mission.
Your monthly membership also keeps our reporting free for everyone to read—no paywalls, no hidden content.
Your membership helps build a more connected, more informed Tyler for everyone who lives and works here. We believe in Tyler, and we thank you for believing in us.