Want to write about Tyler? Do some research? We should talk.

Interested in reporting on local issues? Sharing an essay with your perspective on life in East Texas? Writing an open letter to the city of Tyler? Digging into local stats to find important patterns no one else is seeing?

We would love to talk to you. Please note that we are a volunteer-run site; we can’t pay you in cash money, but can offer experienced editing and research guidance to help you hone your craft or learn a new skill. Also, it’ll be fun.

Here’s a few things we’re especially interested in collaborating on with other folks in town. Let us know if you’d like to get involved in any of these efforts:

  • Taco tour of Tyler!
  • Understanding segregation in Tyler
  • Handmade in Tyler: tracking local entrepreneurs and producers
  • Secrets to ordering off-menu in Tyler
  • Quickie updates on local issues (food trucks, recycling, farmer’s market, sidewalks)
  • Explaining how decisions made in Austin and Washington, D.C. will impact life in Tyler
  • Highlighting interfaith alliances and community building
  • What’s up with traffic in Tyler?

Please drop a line at [email protected], and don’t hesitate to just say hi. We look forward to visiting with you.

Thanks for reading this story. Just one more thing. If you believe in the power of local journalism here in Tyler, I'm hoping that you'll help us take The Loop to the next level.

Our readers have told us what they want to better understand about this place we all call home, from Tyler's north-south divide to our city's changing demographics. Power, leadership, and who gets a seat at the table. How Tyler is growing and changing, and how we can all help it improve. Local arts, culture, entertainment, and food.

We can't do this alone. If you believe in a more informed, more connected, more engaged Tyler, help us tell the stories that need to be told in our community. Get free access to select Loop events, behind-the-scenes updates about the impact and goals of our work, and, above all, a chance to play a part in bringing more fresh, in-depth, unexpected journalism to Tyler.

Support The Tyler Loop

Next articleYou’re not imagining it: Tyler is getting younger
Tasneem Raja is the Editor-in-Chief of The Oaklandside. A pioneer in data journalism and local nonprofit news startups, she co-founded The Tyler Loop, a nationally recognized community news platform in East Texas. She was a senior editor at NPR's Code Switch and at Mother Jones, where the team she led helped built the first-ever database of mass shootings in America. She started her career as features reporter at The Chicago Reader and The Philadelphia Weekly, and lives in Oakland with her husband and two imperious terriers.